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Survivor 41 Merge Discussion

We are officially at the halfway point of Survivor 41. Everyone has merged into one tribe and it is now an individual game. It's time to take another look at some of my earlier predictions, to see if they are still holding up or if I missed the mark.

First let's discuss Erika's "advantage". I'm going to assume that she will break the hourglass, because she has no reason not to. If Erika breaks the hourglass, Evvie, Sydney, Ricard, Naseer, Deshawn and Danny are vulnerable. The only people from this group I see being 100% safe is Deshawn and Ricard. Naseer could get sniped for his advantage. Sydney and Evvie could be perceived as threats. Danny may be gone if Erika catches wind of the plan to blindside her.

I'm concerned for Evvie, only because this situation is horribly unfair for her. She's playing a great game so far, and is a contender to win the whole thing. The fact that she could be a safe vote for no fault of her own is devastating. Next week will be the true test for her though. If Evvie can use her social bonds to keep her in the game one more episode, she is in a great spot.

The show is also setting up a person of colour alliance between Shan, Liana, Danny and Deshawn. I can see this alliance running the game and taking it the whole way. The outcome I foresee is they stay together but Shan gets sacrificed due to her threat level. Liana and Deshawns winning chances have skyrocketed.

The season currently sits at a crossroads. Either the POC alliance stays together and dominates the game or it crumbles as quickly as it formed. I'm inclined to say they go far together because it's weird to show the alliance forming otherwise. But if not, the game gets much more unpredictable and there's a wide variety of potential winners.

At this point I'd be happy to see most of this cast win. I'm pulling for Evvie as my winner pick but a Sydney or Xander win would be iconic. Deshawn might be playing the best game out of anyone right now. Ricard could have a ruthless story of him overcoming Shan's shadow. If Erika is the "lion in sheep's clothing" she claims to be, she might have a powerful back half. And if Naseer wins then everyone wins.

As far as predictions go, I'm still confident in Evvie (with the condition that she could go home next episode). And I'm gonna call out Deshawn and Liana as the other two contenders. Both of them have strong allies and are managing their threat levels excellently.